Monday, September 21, 2009

I joined Bakshirhat Mahavidyalaya (College) as Principal on the 1st of April 2008 with a lot of hope that I shall be able to unplift the standard of education all round. One year though with a lot of mental torture I struggled. But I realized that all my efforts were going in vain. I was yearning to leave, when a call from a colleague from the previous college made me sit up and think. I ultimately left the college to return to my old vocation in Cooch Behar. I rejoined my services in the University BT & Evening College on the 1st of July 2009. Though things are not the same any more and I expected that very much but it has relieved me of the slavery of certain memebers (one member actually) of the Organizing Committee. Student politics was at its worst. For one year thingsn't as bad. But just after the Indian Parliamentary Elections things started going out of control. I could very well imagine the future if I held on any longer.

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